D POWDER EXTINGUISHERS The fire categories are mostly symbolised with letters of A, B, C AND D. It is commonly known that;

A class fires are solid substance (tree, cloth, etc.) fires;

B class fires refer to liquid substance fires;

C class fires refer to fires caused by gases.

It is commonly not known or superficially known that D class fires occur on metals.

In fact, the most distinguishing property of the types of fires that we call metal fires is that they are highly difficult to extinguish.

Classic extinguishing substances cannot be effective in these fires.

Metal is mostly associated with iron.

However, aluminium, lithium, magnesium, sodium and potassium are also metals.

The alloys that intermixing metals form are also metals.

Just like other solid matters, metals can burn in suitable ways and environments and moreover, not only oxygen but also nitrogen can be adequate for this.

The fine sheets, chips and particles of metals and alloys are potential flammables. They can even be explosive.

Due to the fact that the average temperature is around 2200-2500 OC, metal and classic extinguisher substances get into chemical reaction with each other and accelerate fire instead of extinguishing it.

For example, spraying water into metal fire decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen.

Therefore, the hydrogen gas becomes additional fuel to fire. In these types of fires, the contact of fire with all elements of air must be cut-off.

Prioritising the protection of the safety of life of workers and the machinery, equipment and buildings of workplaces, HASSA FIRE has offered 6 kg and 12 kg capacity class D extinguishers to the service of our customers. The class D fire extinguishers are the compulsory needs of all factories and workshops engaged with metal and operating in Turkey, in terms of occupational health and safety.

The extinguishing substance used in fire extinguishers is the world renowned "FUREX MAGNA D" powder.

This powder drowns fire due to its chemical structure.

